Bali Bomb blast episode 2

My lovely and poor Bali..
I remember last time when I went there, on 11 October 2004, one day before the commemeration of Bali Bomb Blast episode 1. It was nearly sun set when I surfed in Kuta Beach with some of friendly foreigners from Canada. Suddenly, I heard crowd voices towards the beach. Balinese performed their cultural beliefs remembering the Bali Bomb tragedy. Some of them cried and shed their tears.. remembering their beloved family and friends who were become one of the victims. I was shocked for the moment. Eventhough I don't know who the victims are, but one thing I know that they are my brothers and sisters. A pure and sympathetic tears went off my eyes, and I prayed that this appaling tragedy might not happen again to Bali.
Unfortunately, Bali performs its tears again. ANother bomb blasted on 2 October 2005, one day after SBY announced the increase of fuel.
I don't know exactly what's behind the mind of those bombers. If they are local people, why should they harm their own lovely country?
Bali is a very beatiful island. Brings so many dollars within government's budget, not to mention the effect on economic development for Balinese. So many attractive places spread all over Bali. Even, many foreigners know Indonesia because of the popularity of Bali. I went to Indoor Market in Birmingham City center yesterday, and one of the sellers told me that he was very impressed with Bali. And it's said to be true that unless Indonesia guaratees the safety of tourists, he might take a chance to travel to Bali again.
It's a luxurious thing in Indonesia. I've come with this conclusion since I know for sure that safety is no longer exist in Indonesia. Take a simple example, you must pass a very tight security guard when you want to visit Jakarta Stock Exchange. All of your belongings must be checked very intensively by the security officers. Often, they will act ridiculously whenever "attributed" symbol of certain religious is being used by visitors. Is it the price that all citizens must pay for "unsafety" guarantee from government?
Bali Bomb Blast episode 2 reflects the unawareness of the government. This term is not only reflecting the security system, but in my view, also relates to the failed of government management. One might say that to manage a vast difference in cultural and historical background country such as Indonesia, is not an easy task to do. Building a bridge between differences in social indicators (cultural and historical) and government's role is highly effective to maintain its harmony. It will then lead to a greater extent in understanding within the government and citizens. If government hands in hand with citizens to fight against this terrorist, I am optimistic that citizens will enlarge their nationalism. Here, based on thought that even tough Bomb has been blasted once again in Bali, hence nationalism among citizens are not directly appear. They only put their syphatize at the moment, and come back to their own business afterwards. No intention to look forward a depth understanding of how's it going on and what will it be. It might be, right or wrong, based on my asumption that government has failed to build its citizens' participation.
Unless government acts closely together with citizens to bring harmony, safety might still be luxury goods in Indonesia, for present and the future time. Otherwise, it might look as antique terminology as it written in political text book.
Atau, para pertpetrators itu mengamini apa yang ditulis Voltaire (1759) dalam Candide: "Dans ce pays-ci il est bon de teur de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les auters" yang kira-kira artinya: "In this country, it is thought well to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others". Mungkin dengan membunuh wibawa Indonesian person in charge (dalam hal ini RI 1) bisa membawa keberanian Indonesian yang lain untuk membangun negeri ini. I don't know about politics and such these terrorists thing. All I know is I want to raise my children in peace and harmony and tell them how great it is to be Indonesian.
Can I, at least, fulfil my naive wants? Dunno..
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