First snow in Brummiesadventure

I remember the time during my childhood, I ran down and played with my friends when the heavy rain pouring for the first time in rainy season. We were doing the rain-dancing, just like Indians dancing in favour of raining. We were so wet, cold, and shivering.. and my mom shouted at me and ordered me to go back inside. The memory was still clear in my mind.
It's been 20-years now when I experienced this similar moment on my brummiesadventure. The first snow came in Birmingham this afternoon, and quite a heavy snow. When I first saw the snow falling from the sky, I got out from Priorsfield (my department) and ran down towards the snow. Several friends followed me and we played snow-throw along the way. It was so damn cold but so fun. I feel like I was a little girl playing in the middle of the snow with bunch of friends. But this time, no mommy shouted at me (hurraayy).
Having played that, I was amazed by this beautiful god-creation. Well, this is the first time I've ever seen such a beautiful and cold snow. Hence, it is so white, just like my imagination of "snow white".
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