Platform 9 3/4

Platform 9 3/4 .. a famous hidden place towards Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Here, you can look around the wizardry world and find out about the ways in which to travel.
"All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now..."
In order to catch the Hogwarts Express train to Hogwarts, students must board at Platform Nine and Three Quarters at Kings Cross Station. This Platform is not visible to Muggles. In fact, you get to it by running toward the solid barrier between Platforms Nine and Ten, full tilt. Instead of hitting the wall, you'll find yourself passing under a wrought iron sign that says "Platform Nine and Three Quarters." A guard sits there, monitoring the comings and goings through the portal, making sure that too many people don't do it at the same time and alarm the Muggles. On days when the train is set to leave for Hogwarts, the Platform is filled with Witches and Wizards saying good bye to their children. Cats and owls are a common sight among the crowd.
This platform is quite interesting for a fanatic fan of Harry Potter, like me :-)
It's great finding this memorabilia in Kings Cross Station, London..
When I pull my chart towards the platform.. there I go.. Harry Potter's world..
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